Menu - File

Download [Ctrl+S]
Resume download of the selected file(s).

Stop [Ctrl+P]
Pause download of selected the file(s). If the server supports the resume download feature then download will continue from the point it stopped.

Delete [Delete]
Delete the selected file(s) from downloads list. If file download was not completed the temporary download file created by the program will also be deleted.
( i ) If you hold the Ctrl key the dowloaded file will be deleted from the disk

Add/delete a file (files) from the scheduler list.

Copy URL [Ctrl+C]
Copy to clipboard URL of the selected file.

Open File [Enter]
Open the downloaded file.

This option is working while downloading streaming audio & video files (mp3, wma, mpg, wmv and others). This option will work only if you have downloaded at least 5% of your current file.

Open Folder
Open the folder in which the downloaded file was saved.

Check with Anti-Virus
Check a downloaded file on viruses.

Re-download the downloaded file.

Properties... [Alt+Enter]
Show the download properties window.

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